Sniffers-Website (ENGLISH- LANGUAGE-VERSION)        
Past, Present, Future ...                    More
                             UNDER CONSTRUCTION             Domains
Modified last on: Entenhausen, 04.11.2023, 19:30 Uhr

Demokratie!!! “    Datenschutzerklärung”   Wer schweigt, stimmt zu! 












e - m a i l s  p l e a s e  t o :   k u n s t d e s d e n k e n s  @ g m a i l .c o m        Created by  Hans Entenhausenmann, also Hausmeister Det       SOM EWHE RE OV ER TH E RAINBOW ???  

https://www.crazy ducktales.com       https://www.fsp -muenster.com         https://www. fsp-entenhausen.com     https://www.suboptimales .com       https://www.afairy tale2.com

Past Realities


Alternate Version)

With this 'letter of admonition' I'm already redeeming the second part of a promise I made yesterday, which I made to the 1st chairman of the supervisory board, the 1st chairman of the works council, the entire works council and also my old superior in IT matters of this ex-employer FSP -Vereins and sent it by e-mail. From a purely legal point of view, I don't see any problems with being allowed to do this as well!!!
Always do everything in accordance with the law, then it'll fit!!!
Oh yes, no matter what is doing the rounds again!!!
You can't keep your mouth shut!!!
And you know who it's from!
And according to "German law" should not be perfect !!!!!!!!!!!
And who knows if it's even true!
I have dealt with this case in the past and had to in this one
"FSP Social Club" in the past ever get along with "two real liars"!
(Oh yes, it's always such a thing with 'character assassination'...)

There are only a few stupid people in this club!
But the dumbest of all seems to be the one in charge at the moment!!!
If that's true , what am I imagining right now,
it will be the
golden shot !

DUDEN)         With full intention!!!:                          
Wanting to subdue a person...
=  Want to impose one's own will on someone else ,
without playing with
open cards!!!

(Plain text dated 05/31/2023):
The "value of a human life"
(Whereas the economy is actually always more about the so-called added value of a person!) is calculated solely from its benefit for others, that's what the "FSP employer" has taught me since June 28th, 2019. A “mentally ill person” is only of value to the “kind of people” who can make money from their “mental illness”. This “FSP association as an employer” always has only one interest in a “mentally ill person as an employee”:
o earn something through their “mental illness”. Just like with its clients, where this association can always earn something from their “mental illness”, because other institutions give this “FSP association” money for “something like that”. However, the value of a “mentally ill employee” can always be “arbitrarily” accepted, determined or fixed by this “FSP employer”!
(Never any collective agreement applies!)
Whereby the current value of a “mentally ill employee” under this “current management duo” , in exactly this association, always corresponds exactly to the “statutory minimum wage”. No matter what a "mentally ill person" has on the box and is more in the "added value" category!!! As of June 28th, 2019, this employer doesn’t give a damn about this added value (i.e. the added value) for each of his “mentally ill employees” . This employer always likes to give a shit about that. With this employer, it's really no longer about "promoting and demanding" !!!
( No matter what else the '
advertising messages' should promise! )
The “value of a human life” is also evident at the EU’s external border. People who are of no value to the EU must be defended against, and the walls of defense really can't be high enough! So-called 'professionals', where e.g. the FDP (and of course the economy in the background) always promises a certain added value for Germany, but people want to recruit them and let them into the country!
And there too, just as with this FSP association as an employer, the “value (or actually added value) of a human life” is always gladly arbitrarily accepted or determined or fixed.
Thesis 1:
It's really pretty stupid when an employer attaches absolutely no value to the so-called 'added value of an employee', only because of their very special disability!
Thesis 2:
Most of the time, the 'dangerous people' are always of the "very stupid" kind!!!
Also the following oddity:
'Certain people ' must really have been 'absolutely crazy' about it’, damaging the 'trademark' of this 'social association' with 'full intention' and then also
'absolutely unnecessarily' !!!
In addition, it is important to try to answer the following questions
relatively briefly and concisely:
1.) What
general prejudices do both the current board and the accountant of this association have against “People with mental disabilities” ?
Prejudice I:
A “mentally ill person” cannot think and act independently. A “mentally ill person” is more likely to be expected to just say “Yes, Massa!” or "No, Massa!" has to say!
( Indication of such a thinking: This “current board” had me, as an employee, through the person of trust, point out a problem that I had already solved as an employee 10 years earlier. In addition, this “current board” speaks at the last conversation and get-together in "baby talk" with me. Had gotten to know it differently under the old board !!!  )
2.) What '
complexes' are driving this current board of directors to want to finish off "employees of this association" as employers from behind and apparently also have to finish off, where open words are actually always the very first and also the very best means of choice?
Komplex Nr. 1:
Dieser jetzige Vorstand muss nach unten treten (wie bei mir genauso geschehen)
nach oben buckeln !!!
Complex #1:
This current board must step down (as happened with me as well) and
hump up !!!
Just naming these questions gives me extreme pleasure.
And if I overdo it, they send the lawyer after me, for exactly that reason!


It’s a
bad, bad

 The Zonk!!!


The new absolutely radicalism in thinking
05.11.2022 at 2 o’clock (p.m.) Let Me EntertainYou... 
First at all a Link to a very bad gag (It seems the same to me!!!) from a very special social? employer ”!
Singing this song with the *Words *They are Soul Stealers”)
Could or should this really be ... ???:
Too much
Brain Damage”? Found in this very special social? company?
Since the 28th of June 2019??? What a Social Distortion in this whole company! In a very short time!
A story about some ‘
people in charge’,RECT
preach wine but only serve less than water.
Or in better “English”:
"Some ‘
people in chargetalk (***) the talk,
but can they
walk the walk? "
...  Restarting of this Sniffers-Website on 07 October 2022
(Now creating the “International Version” of the (Sorry,
a ) Story, at the end in complete English
and on a (dot)com website, with
!”a very, very special Domain name ”!!!)
In the future you will see more “Original Documents”, that belong to my story .
THE FIRST ORIGINAL DOCUMENT ” from “ July 2020(online since 07.10.2022)
August 2020 (already online since 08.10.2022), September 2020 (already online since 09.10.2022)
October 2020 (already online since 09.10.2022), November 2020 (already online since 10.10.2022)
December 2020 (already online since 14.10.2022)
July 2020

The above picture is online since 10/07/2022 (German Date: 07.10.2022) at 7 o’clock (a.m.).
August 2020

The above picture is online since 10/08/2022 (German Date: 08.10.2022) at 3 o’clock (a.m.).
September 2020
The above picture is online since 10/09/2022 (German Date: 09.10.2022) at 6 o’clock (a.m.).
October 2020

The above picture is online since 10/09/2022 (German Date: 09.10.2022) at 5 o’clock (p.m.).
“November 2020”

The above picture is online since 10/10/2022 (German Date: 10.10.2022) at 6 o’clock (a.m.).
December 2020

The above picture is online since 10/14/2022 (German Date: 14.10.2022) at 9 o’clock (a.m.).

The following “Starting-Words” were written on the 16th of October,
In the year 2022

Shaming you has now been done, my lovely social? EX-EMPLOYER!
Some people would now say:
Habe fertig!
But I have to do the following next step now:
To blame you! ”( In this case it means: To disgrace you!)
Now I have to tell two little, very nice and fine stories from the
And I’m very sure, that this
two little, very nice and fine stories from the past
will really have exactly this perfectly effection!!!
My ‘really crazy, but ever harmless brain’ needs now a
break in thinking over...
17.10.2022, 07:30 (a.m.)
This following lines have to be filled with the right, not to many words, not so far away in the nearby future...... .....
Story One ( Lines filled with words on October 19th, at ten o’clock (a.m.), in the year 2022):
In the year 2011/12 somebody of my relatives works for an employer, that every year needs the newest high-tech in computer engineering. And I have made it possible and organized in this year, that my social employer gets 4 retired Dell Laptops as a donation from this special employer of this person of my kinship (Mit ausgestellter Spenden-Quittung, also alles rechtlich absolut einwandfrei!). It was good, fine and very usefull technique. And this laptops will also be found nowadays in some facilities of this social ex-employer of my own. And one of these Dell Notebooks was my tool for my own work for this now ex-social-employer in the time from 2012 until my own termination of employment to the 30th of June 2021. (Of course, this work-laptop of my own no longer works these days, otherwise this employer would also ask for it back. To the end there was the newest windows 10 32-Bit software installed on this Dell laptop with an ”SSD hard drive” and “4 GB RAM”, with a fast enough, good speed for doing my own work with this Dell laptop.)

(The following words are “online” since the 20th of October, at eight o’clock in the morning, in the year 2022.)
Sorry, but now I have to wait a little while...
The people in charge in this very special social? company are knowing already the coming second story!!!
people in charge will need some time to think over, whether a reaction will be required...?!?!
So these people in charge get this short time from me !!!
Story Two:...28.10.2022 at 11 o’clock (a.m.).This second story can wait now a while... .................... .................
I have gotten no reaction from this “so very social? employer” from any person in charge!.......................................
So now it will go on, by telling my very, very senseless story.......................................... .............................................
03.11.2022 at 5 o’clock (a.m.): Because there is no sense in anything, I have the right to go on by telling my senseless story. In the first story I have told, that this social company got 4 Dell Laptops as a gift in 2011/2012, that I have made possible. Now I’m telling about the last gift, that I had given to this so very social? company. And it was only the devil in me that made me do it. I only wanted to see the reaction of this “social? company” by doing this “good work”. Somebody in my neighbourhood has died at the beginning of the year 2020. It was a very social good old guy, that has me more oftenly in the past given his helping hand, when I got in trouble with a bad guy in my directly neighbourhood. After his death, me was given some technique from this social good old guy, a laptop and a netbook. I had to upgrade this technique with RAM and SSD hard drives. So I had to investigate a little bit of money from my own in this usefull technique, because of that “Microsoft Window 10” can run with an acceptible speed on this older tehnique. This technique was meant for  the “teens with handicaps” in that facility, where I had worked as a facility manager “from March 2016 until December 2020 ”. Not every teen-person in this facility has rich parents and so I made this gift to this facility with a writing to the chief of this facility, that this technique is only meant for this social facility and can be used by the teens, that were given help from the social workers in this social facility. Because every teen, living in this social facility, has some kind of trouble and needed very special help from this social facility.
Now an original answer of the chief of this social facility, gotten in an e-mail from “08.03.2021, 16:49”...................
Hallo “here my name”, vielen herzlichen Dank für deine Geschenke . Wir werden sie den Bewohnern im Schüler – PC – Raum zur Verfügung stellen . Wir haben ja immer einige , die über wenig finanzielle Mittel verfügen . Da bedeutet das eine gute Unterstützung. Dir wünsche ich eine gute und sichere Hand bei  Deiner Entscheidung
und bleib gesund! Viele Grüße..”
Here the name of the chief of this social facility
But that’s not the end of this story:  Later I have heard, that this technique was at first inspected by the guy, who was at last “my superior” by doing my Computer Job until 31.07.2020 in this “so very social? company”. This guy has at first to look, if I had made any sort of manipulation to the software on this technique. Narturaly I didn’t made any manipulation on this laptop and netbook. Only a .txt file with my name “ Hausmeister Det” and a link to “
http://www.haushaltskasse.de “ was in this .txt file, located in the “C:/WINDOWS” or “C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM” directory, could befind, nothing else.
03.11.2022 at 5 o’clock (a.m.):
That’s the sort of reaction.that you get, when somebody has worked with
“guile and insidious deception” against a person like me!!!
Well, I’m only a very, very crazy person, but I have to show, who are the really bad guys in a game, that I didn’t have wanted to play. It really seems to me, that this very bad guys are the first and the second director of this
“so very social
? company” since the 28th of June 2019!!!
And now it is the “Third of November 2022, 7 o’clock (a.m.)”
This company gives the following words a completely truly sense “Taking is always happier than giving!!!”
And there is absolutely radicalism , since the 28th of June 2019, in thinking, doing, instructing and commanding by the first and second director , to make this possible against all the workers of this “so very social? employer”.
06.11.2022, sometime in the morning:
The first and second director, the perfect team in this “so very social? company”, to completely damage the minds of their own workers by instructing and commanding them in their very special own way.
And it seems to be, that it is only their own, very special way, how to treat their own employees,
that makes the damage!!!
Please click on the
bicycle “Down Under”... ...............................................................................................................

And “Nobody can do anything against it! ...
This song has already Killed The Cat by being played in the “Past”,
Sorry, not the “
Cat”, but one of my own speakers in the 70th...
“This speaker” had fallen down 2 Meters to the ground. And the housing
was therethrough completely damaged!!!
To be continued...                  
The “Sniffers” are


”These following words are online since: 21.10.2022, One o’clock (p.m.)”
Question of “Law and Order”:
“Cleared and Resolved”
Question of “Moral”(Morality):
By this special social
? EX-employer nowadays: echt Scheißegal (Doesn’t exist)!!!
Now, on 24.10.2022, a few days later, after thinking over this result, I have found out another result.
With this two new
Leaders of this (social?) Gang? this”very special social? company“ has nowadays two standards for the
"same sort of human beings" since the
28th of June 2019.
two new leaders “do their own work” with this never forbidden  ( for themself  ) using of Double-Morality!!!
Question of “ Honor
(Thinking to myself: What’s right? What’s wrong? What would have happened if I had really died after 06/28/2019?):
Question is completely out o(
‘u )f range. I can not expect “something” from the people in charge, that these people have no knowledge about.
Question of Ethic:
Has to be cleared, in work
What will be the Next Level ??? (
And what might come afterwards??? )
THAT MIGHT BE THE MISSING LINKS(on every Online-Website) !!!!!!

Looking in “
a possible Future”, I see a case of “ Rise and Fall ...

!?!?!An Extremely Heavy Question!?!?!




Let Me

          Welcome To The FSP ”!
Danger Zone !”...



FSP e.V.
as an
actually stand***

(Published on this website 11/20/2022)
Service contract FSP, dated February 9th, 2009




Only a
Lame Duck



“The General” and a “Lame Duck”
(Published on 11/22/2022)



Starting with a Song
German Version of that Song
Ending with the newer Version of that Song


MUSIC       MUSIC...



“The General” and a “Lame Duck”
(The German Version, Published on 11/22/2022)



Starting with a Song
German Version of that Song
Ending with the newer Version of that Song


MUSIC       MUSIC...

http://www.fsp-muenster.com http://www.fsp-entenhausen.de http://www.katzenjammer-germany.de http://www.muenster-fsp.de http://www.suboptimales.de http://www.a-fairy-tale.de http://www.fsp-haengarsch.de http://www.fsp-meuchelbeck.com http://www.fsp-meuchelbeck.de http://www.parkkuenstler.de http://submonk.fsp-monk.com/ http://germanmonk.fsp-monk.com/ http://www.fsp-monk.com http://www.fsp-maerchen-muenster.de/ https://fsp-entenhausen.com/

[ZEITLEISTE] [ServiceContract] [Datenschutz] [Past Realities] [Impressum]

Demokratie!!! “                     Datenschutzerklärung
“Wer schweigt, stimmt zu!“  Links noch anpassen!!!

Sniffers-Website (ENGLISH-LANGUAGE-VERSION)        
Past, Present, Future ...
Modified last on:  Entenhausen, 04.11.2023, 19:30 Uhr













e - m a i l s  p l e a s e  t o :  k u n s td e s  d e n k e n s  @ g m a i l .c o m             Created by  Hans Entenhausenmann, also Hausmeister Det                      SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW???  

https://www.crazyducktales.com        https://www.fsp-muenster.com       https://www.fsp- entenhausen.com     https://www.suboptimales. com       https://www.afairytale2.com

Weiter geht es dann auf der folgenden Website !!!      Aschermittwoch, 22.02.2023, dritter Todestag des verstorbenen Nachbarn, 23.59 Uhr: Diese Unternehmens-Kultur scheint keine Antworten mehr liefern zu können, sondern wirft stattdessen immer neue Fragen auf, die immer unbeantwortet bleiben werden!!! Wirklich??? Es gibt da ein kleines Dorf in Gallien, wo immer alles möglich ist!!! “ALEA IACTA EST”... http://www.fsp-muenster.com http://www.fsp-entenhausen.de http://www.katzenjammer-germany.de http://www.muenster-fsp.de http://www.suboptimales.de http://www.a-fairy-tale.de http://www.fsp-haengarsch.de http://www.fsp-meuchelbeck.com http://www.fsp-meuchelbeck.de http://www.parkkuenstler.de http://submonk.fsp-monk.com/ http://germanmonk.fsp-monk.com/ http://www.fsp-monk.com http://www.fsp-maerchen-muenster.de/ https://fsp-entenhausen.com/